8 Ways To Improve Your Resume and Land your Dream Job!

Ania Krol
4 min readFeb 4, 2019

…and how to impress HR Managers!

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Do you think that your resume is outdated? Maybe you feel that your applications are not successful because something might be missing in your CV? Or perhaps you already found a perfect job offer and you really want to get noticed?

In this article, I listed 8 most important tips on how to improve your Resume!

  1. Do not Underestimate the Executive Summary (Personal Statement)

Many people forget about this important part of the resume. Bad idea. When you do it right, a compelling executive summary at the top of your resume will serve you as a sales pitch. Remember that HR people don’t have much time so they are scanning your CV and most probably the first thing they will see is your executive summary. In just a few impressive sentences, it should highlight your relevant experience, your accomplishments, and provide information on what you can offer for an organization to grow.

2. Identify Accomplishments, not just Job Descriptions

I found that this is a no. 1 mistake most of us are making. Think like HR managers, they usually know that a certain role requires certain responsibilities. Your task is to show, what exactly did you do and accomplished. This may seem like a difficult exercise at first, but it usually ends up being very productive and insightful exercise. It is also a really valuable step, especially while discussing your performance on the later stage - in the job interview. Now, jog your memory and get creative. List out everything you accomplished in each of your prior roles. Write it all down — big and small.

3. Be a Problem Solver

At any stage of preparing or improving your resume, you should always underline that you are a problem solver. Problem-solving skills are important in every career even at every level. More and more employers are complaining that people tend to transfer problems to others to avoid extra effort rather than try to solve them, that is why organizations rely on people who can assess situations and calmly identify solutions.

Although problem-solving is identified as a separate skill, there are other related skills that contribute to this ability like analysis, in-depth research, outstanding communication skills, decision-making skills or team-building. You can use these terms when describing your achievements.

4. Cater Your Resume for the Industry.

This is another important step. Each industry looks at your CV/Resume differently. If you are a graphic designer, it would be great if you could make your resume more visual and maybe even interactive. If you are a marketer, it would be beneficial to give some statistics and metrics from your marketing campaigns. If you are a developer, you can show your portfolio in the links attached to your resume. It may sound like an extra work but it is absolutely doable. This is a strategic positioning to sell yourself as an undeniable fit — especially when you lack the same experience as your competition.

5. Share Additional Assets — Portfolio or Website

To make a long story short, I share what Clayton Wert, a career coach from The Muse said:

It’s acceptable to use links in your resume, cover letter, or any form of the job application — assuming you’re submitting it online. I’m of the belief that 90% of applications are now online, and you should be adding links to your portfolio, your LinkedIn page, and possibly more depending on your industry and the type of work that you’ve done. It’s best to put as much out there as possible when applying to jobs, because attention is everything in the job search.

6. Referrals!

Job seekers know the power of networking in their search for employment. An effective way to make the most of your connections is by asking for referrals. So before writing an effective resume ask for referrals among your previous employers or mentors. If you want to make your resume stronger, at the end of your employment part you can attach a quote about you from your referee, his/her name and company. It will definitely impress.

7. Use Action Words

Set yourself apart with action verbs, achieving language, and concrete tasks that describe what you have contributed rather than what you have done on a daily basis. Don’t worry, using action verbs in your CV is as easy as any other form of writing, as long as you know what to include and what to look for. Avoid passive sentences like A promotion to a supervisor was awarded to me after only one year of service. Instead write: After only one year, I earned a promotion to a supervisor.

8. And Finally: Avoid Mistakes!

Check your spelling and grammar, read your document again and again and have a friend (or two) look it over. You can never be too safe.

To sum up, those tips should help you to stand out from your competition and help you to get to the second round in the recruitment process.

Good luck!

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